Contact Blue Agate Ranch

For inquiries, please contact:


Melanie Goetz





The content provided on this website ( is for informational and marketing purposes only. The owners of the Blue Agate Ranch (owners) and their Agents make no guarantee that the information provided on this site is accurate, complete, or up-to-date. The information presented on this website should NOT be regarded as expert advice. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in this website without first seeking the advice of land, water rights, mineral rights, and water storage experts.

Pages on this website may contain links which direct you to Internet web pages outside of this website itself. These links are provided only to aid you in accessing information, which may be of interest to you. The owners cannot and do not guarantee that the information contained on any Internet website or document which may be accessed through these links is accurate, complete, or up-to-date. No such link should be interpreted to signify that the Owners or any Agents sponsors, endorses, or is affiliated with the operator of any other website or that the owners make any representation with regards to the information presented on any such website.


Aerial View July 4, 2016
Aerial View July 4, 2016
Abundant Water on the Ranch
Abundant Water on the Ranch
Wildlife on the Ranch
Wildlife on the Ranch
Pheasants on the Ranch
Pheasants on the Ranch
Canada Geese on the Ranch
Canada Geese on the Ranch
Trees on the Ranch
Trees on the Ranch