An oasis for Canadian Geese and other migratory birds, the Ranch is a stopping place on their adventures south. It’s like a bed and breakfast for birds. Visit the Ranch and it’s no wonder it’s a popular location for bird watchers, (that gain the owner’s permission) to discover a wide array of migratory birds and many that have made the Blue Agate Ranch their home.


We’ve found a mated-pair of eagles that continue to nest on the Ranch. There are Swainson’s and Red-Tailed Hawks, migrating Canadian Geese, American White Pelicans, Great Blue Herons, White-Faced Ibis, Sandpipers, Wild Turkeys, Ducks (Gadwall, American Wigeon, Mallard, Blue-Wined Teal, Green-Winged Teal, Northern Shovelier, Northern Pintail), Pheasant, Red-Winged Gulls, Doves/Pigeons (Eurasian Collared-Dove, Mourning Dove), Common Nighthawk Nightjars, Great Horned Owls, American Coot Rails, Brown Thrashers, Woodpeckers (Red-Headed, Downy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker), American Kestrel Falcon, Flycatchers (Western Wood-Pewee, Willow, Say’s Phoebe, Cassin Kingbird, Western Kingbird, Eastern Kingbird), Jays/Crows (Blue Jay, American Crow), Horned Lark, Swallows (Cliff Swallow, Barn Swallow), House Wren, Thrushes (Swainson’s Thrush, American Robin), Thrashers (Northern Mockingbird, Brown Thrasher), Warblers (Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler), European Starling, Sparrows (Lark Sparrow, Lark Bunting), Black-Headed Grosbeak Cardinals, Blackbirds (Red-Winged, Western Meadowlark, Common Grackle, Brown-Headed Cowbird, Orchard Oriole, Bullock’s Oriole), Finches (House Finch, American Goldfinch), White-Rumped Sandpiper, and even the Laughing Gull.

Aerial View July 4, 2016
Aerial View July 4, 2016
Abundant Water on the Ranch
Abundant Water on the Ranch
Wildlife on the Ranch
Wildlife on the Ranch
Pheasants on the Ranch
Pheasants on the Ranch
Canada Geese on the Ranch
Canada Geese on the Ranch
Trees on the Ranch
Trees on the Ranch